Balloon HeadBalloon Head logo.Balloon Dead

At Lerex Hospital, the female doctor reprimands Balloon Head for taking Narrator Girl off of Sky City and into space. As Narrator Girl lies in bed, the doctor explains that internal bleeding is their main concern now and that she should've waited until she was fully healed to live. The doctor tells Balloon Head that even though Narrator Girl has a high chance of survival, he should treat the next hours delicately, then adds that the next hime they decide to go on a trek across the universe she's not flying down to help them. The doctor adds that the medicine should be wearing off soon and leaves the two alone. Balloon Head holds Narrator Girl's hand as she awakens. She tells him she thought for sure she was dead, but there's something they must do. She realizes he is telling her he will go alone. She wishes him good luck, calling him her greatest of friends, for she fears this may be the end.
Meanwhile, a guard is telling an officer about the man they found about fifteen zixs away from the massacre, stating that according to the files, his name is Alejandro and he was recently released from No Hope Asylum. The officer orders that he be moved to the interrogation room and he'll figure out what's going on. At the interrogation room, the officer enters and notes that Alejandro means protector of men, then asks if that is why he was near the massacre of over fifty people. Alejandro notes that he could've sworn they killed more, to which the officer asks if he is confessing to being a part of the killings. Alejandro scoffs and retorts that he planned the whole thing. Alejandro smiles and notes that he makes it sound like that's the worst he could do, then notes they haven't even found the bomb. The officer asks about the bomb and Alejandro replies that it's the one at the power plant set to go off at one that will turn this world inside out. The officer asks his guard what time it is and he replies eleven twenty-five. The officer orders that the city be alerted because people need to be prepared. The guard replies that he can't do that because of his bosses' orders, then aims a gun as he clarifies that he means Alejandro's orders, upon which he shoots. In the room, Alejandro smiles. Balloon Head flashes back to the moment Doctor Awesome told him he was going to need him, after which Narrator Girl approached and felt ill, stating she needs to go to a hospital and for Balloon Head not to stall.
In the present, as Balloon Head sits gloomily in a bench, the female doctor sits next to him, telling him that Narrator Girl will be okay and not to worry the whole time. The doctor notes that by the sound of things, Narrator Girl has something she wants Balloon Head to do and tells Balloon Head to leave her alone to recover as she's in good hands. Later, Alejandro is walking free when Balloon Head crosses his path. Alejandro states that it's nice to see him before the end, then asks what about his friend. Balloon Head rushes him and Alejandro sneers as he stares at a clock nearby. It's almost one o'clock. Alejandro recalls when he told the officer about the bomb at the power plant, then adds that he has one within him as well, just as Balloon Head reaches him. Alejandro crazily shouts bye, bye.
The explosion rocks Lerex Hospital. Narrator Girl reawakens screaming Balloon Head. The female doctor walks in, asking Narrator Girl if she is okay and stating that there was an explosion across town, but Narrator Girl is already gone. Narrator Girl scours the streets looking for Balloon Head, finally finding him lying alone on the ground. She lies down and hugs the body. Cut to black.
Narrator Girl reawakens at another medical room, overhearing someone saying that she will be fine but he is deflating at an increasing rate and suggesting they operate immediately. She looks over and sees someone talking to the female doctor, who coughs to notify that Narrator Girl is awake. The person turns around, revealing that it's Doctor Awesome himself. Doctor Awesome approaches her and explains that he knows this is hard to understand, but Balloon Head will die if he doesn't operate. He tells her to trust him that he's on their side and the only one who can save him. She retorts that it's not like she has any other choice. He tells her to rest now and he'll explain everything later. One week passes. Doctor Awesome explains to Narrator Girl that Alejandro was blackmailing him because he learned that his techniques for making Balloon Head a reality were not medical standard, but said that if he did Alejandro a favor, he would let him be. When Doctor Awesome found out what the favor was, he accidentally shot Narrator Girl thinking she was Alejandro, but when Alejandro continued with the plan, he went along. He further explains that Alejandro wanted Doctor Awesome to detonate a bomb at the energy plant, but when the Doc got there, he didn't set the timer, so the only active bomb was the one Alejandro made Doctor Awesome put inside him. Narrator Girl retorts that all she cares about is if Balloon Head came out fine. Doctor Awesome replies that Balloon Head recovered quickly and he can take her to see him. Doctor Awesome takes her and she is ecstatic when she sees Balloon Head standing in front of her. She hugs him and tells him she's so glad he's okay and that she worried night and day. He hugs her back.
At the White Room, Narrator Girl declares that there once was a man with a balloon for a head who almost faced a certain death, but luckily for us all, the legend of Balloon Head will go on and on and on. The end.

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