Secret Agent WhiskeyEpisode 14

Jeff and Secret Agent Whiskey are hanging out on the City 17 plaza steps when Whiskey sighs. Jeff asks if something's wrong and Whiskey replies yeah, saying that it's retiring from secret agent work because the novelty has worn off and it's just getting too risky. Whiskey tells Jeff it wants to travel the world without having to kill someone, to settle down, to get a wife and have kids, to live life to its fullest. Jeff rubs his head and tells Whiskey he understands. Whiskey says it's probably the last time it sees Jeff and tells him goodbye. Jeff replies bye and wishes Whiskey a fulfilling life. The next panel goes black and white as Secret Agent Whiskey narrates that it's no longer under government control and can do what it wants, with whoever it wants and whenever it wants. It concludes by calling itself a free man. Just then, a Combine armored personnel carrier runs Whiskey over. Jeff stares in shock as Whiskey's glass remains scream at the APC for ruining the dramatic ending. In a final credits message, the comic's author, Jeff "Clover" Eastman, thanks everyone that watched and enjoyed this series, to the PHW crew for having Clover around and to his friends for supporting him with his comic making, then finishes by telling all of the people who copied Secret Agent Whiskey by making a secret agent inanimate object to rot in hell. The end.

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