FZE and Mythos’ Badass AdventureFZE and Mythos' Badass Adventure logo.Chapter Two

The bottle of Colt 45 strong beer lands on the ground with a loud clunk, but doesn't break. Danny the waitress stares at it and says oh, okay then, then points out calmly that, by the way, there's some zombies outside. A crowd of zombies approach the diner, screaming and moaning. FZE and Mythos grab their weapons and head towards the windows. FZE, bat in hand, watches as a zombie prepares to take a swing at the window. The zombie hits the glass but only a thunk sound is heard; it doesn't break. FZE looks surprised, then turns and points out they have some strong glass. Whilst smoking, Danny agrees that it's great and notes that it's got amazing warranty, is easy to clean and it has reasonable pricing too, because it's so much easier to make than the breakable stuff. FZE then realizes something and asks if, so long as the doorframe holds, there's no way the zombies can get in. The chief tells him that's about the size of it and that doorframe is solid as a rock, so the zombies are sealed out, but points out that they, too, are sealed in. Mythos notes that's fine by him, they can just wait until the zombies leave and find a way out in the morning. The chief tells him to suit himself but adds that they haven't got any food. Mythos tells him that honestly he wouldn't eat any if they did.
The chief adds that they also don't have Wi-Fi. Cut to FZE and Mythos outside, shooting at zombies. FZE hits one of the zombies with his bat whilst Mythos shoots another in the gut with the light machinegun. That zombie gets dangerously close to Mythos, so he takes out a machete and slices the zombie's head clean off. The zombie's body falls on the ground and Mythos stares at it, then looks to his side. FZE is staring in shock past him. Mythos follows his gaze and notices a splatter of blood on FZE's muscle car Baby. Mythos rolls his eyes and swings his finger around. A large zombie then screams at them. Mythos tries to shoot it but is out of ammo. FZE then aims a shotgun at it and tries to fire, but nothing comes out.
FZE says bollocks and asks for a second. The zombie leaps at them but someone fires at its head, killing it. It was the police chief, who smiles and waves at them from the roof. FZE sarcastically compliments him on that one kill and calls him a jerk. A zombie then leaps at the chief, killing him. FZE says it serves him right but the chief's gun falls down on the ground and the impact causes it to fire at Baby, scraping its paintjob. FZE screams fuck. Mythos and FZE then head back inside, FZE noting that, now that that's done, they figure out how to get ten times the hell out of there. Smoking and drinking a glass of yellow Colt 45 beer, Danny tells him that this is a nightly occurrance and that they can kill them all he wants, but when the Sun hits them, they're good as new. FZE retorts that nobody thought to mention this, sarcastically calling it wonderful. Danny asks if he has some kind of brilliant escape plan in case they stayed dead. FZE sits down and asks her if she means in case they behaved like every other zombie and weren't reconstructed by the Sun, then says that this place is the only source of light for miles at night, no wonder they call come there. Mythos stares up in thought as FZE and Danny keep discussing, Danny retorting that, even if they kill the lights, it's not going to help them get out of there, he saw what happened, to which FZE says it will if they can try escaping without the threat of zombie attack, but Danny tells him they've tried every way out a long time before they arrived and FZE asks if that includes up and down.
As FZE keeps arguing, he notices Mythos heading outside and asks where he's going, telling him there's still a live one. Mythos stares up at the sky and sees the full moon shining brightly. He heads back in and tells the other two it's not the light they're after. FZE puts two and two together and realizes it's the heat, the other thing they have when the Sun's down. Mythos and FZE grab their guns and head towards the kitchen. Mythos tells Danny to come over there and turn off the griddle where half a corpse is lying. Danny approaches it and is suddenly thrown towards the diner's window, leaving a large splotch of blood where her head hit. FZE calmly asks who are you then. The half corpse springs alive and calls them clever mortals, saying they are the first in many years to discover him. Mythos tells FZE he would not doubt that and FZE agrees, saying not for a second. Mythos assumes it is the one keeping them there and presumably controlling the zombies. The body says that is correct. Mythos asks but why and it replies because it's a dick. FZE agrees and angrily asks what it wants.
The corpse tells them it wants Slayer DMRs on Powerhouse. FZE and Mythos huddle behind the counter away from it and FZE says he's got to die. Mythos notes they can't get near the griddle, so they have to cut the power. FZE says then they'll throw him in the fridge once he's lost enough energy. FZE pops up and tells the undead they'll be back in a sec and for it to wait right there, or don't. They check the power cables outside. There's two of them. FZE notes it's got to be one of those. Mythos points out if they blow the wrong one it'll cut off the fridge. They destroy one of the fuses; inside, the fridge's sound dies down. Outside, FZE asks if that was it and the undead replies no. They then blow the other one, cutting off the griddle; the zombie screams that it cannot be. FZE tells Mythos to get the car started while he stuffs him in the fridge while it's still cold, then they dip-set. FZE walks back in armed with his bat. The undead tells him to run while he can, as come the dawn his power shall be whole again. FZE grabs him and tells him to come then, adding that no rocket launcher is going to save him this time. He shoves the undead inside the fridge then heads towards the car. As he gets in, Mythos asks if they're done there. FZE replies not just yet, there's a little unfinished business. FZE opens the trunk and heads towards it, then takes a small handgun with a laser sight from in there.
FZE points the handgun at the diner and presses the trigger. A click is heard. He heads back into the car. Mythos asks if that was his unfinished business and notes that he could've done that while FZE was inside shoving the undead into the fridge, but is cut off as the diner gets bombarded from above. The thermal imaging operator on the gunship declares impact and to check the radio again. Inside the car, the radio asks to confirm signal. FZE confirms alpha foxtrot echo one zero niner and tells them fine shooting. End of chapter 2.

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