Living in City 17Living in City 17 mobile logo.LIC17 Rebirth #3

Frank and Steve are accosted by Civil Protection officers who call their apparel uncompliant. Later, wearing the old citizen clothes, Frank and Steve wait in line for rations while Steve says it's gonna be okay. They eat their rations, Frank looking pissed, as Steve tells him it'll be fine. As another Civil Protection officer checks them while they're on their knees with their hands behind their heads, Steve tells Frank no worries. Later, eating dinner at a bar, Steve starts to tell Frank to cheer up but Frank interrupts him, saying no, they're going to die there. Steve looks sad at the reply. Meanwhile, behind Steve, a man approaches the counter, where a vortigaunt is serving, and says excuse me, then says he'd like the fowl. A man nearby with a beard and a cap watches them. The vortigaunt looks at the man, who gives him a thumbs up. The vortigaunt says right this way, sir, and the man enters another room. Frank notices all this happening with curiosity and gets up. Steve asks where he's going and Frank replies that he doesn't know, then tells Steve to come on. Frank and Steve approach the counter. Frank says excuse me and that they'd like the fowl, please. The man in the cap watches as he does this. The end.

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